
Journal of the Association of Greek Chemists

Journal Scope and Aims

The Journal of Association of Greek Chemists (JAGC) aims to become an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to promoting the latest research and developments in a wide range of fields of chemistry. Starting in 2023 as an initiative of the Association of Greek Chemists, it is aiming to provide a unique platform for original research and scientific articles. Articles will be subjected to peer review by specialists in each field guided by distinguished Section Editors and prominent Greek researchers and academic staff.

Open-access journal with no article processing charges (APC) or publishing fees.

During the initial stages, JAGC will cover primarily areas related but not limited to: Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry- Clinical Chemistry-Biotechnology, Chemical Technology, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry & Technology, Forensics-Toxicology, Food Chemistry and Technology, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Radiochemistry and Education.

Submission Guidelines

Open document for instructions

Publisher: Association of Greek Chemists
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Victoria Samanidou (samanidu@chem.auth.gr)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Associate Professor Ioannis Katsogiannis (katsogia@chem.auth.gr)
Representative of Steering committee of AGC to the Editorial Board: Professor Athanasios Papadopoulos (papadnas@ihu.gr)

Please send manuscripts to the
Publishing Manager: Dr Spiros Kitsinelis (eex@eex.gr)

Members of the Editorial Board:

Sections Section Editors Email addresses
Analytical Chemistry Zachariadis George zacharia@chem.auth.gr
Biochemistry- Clinical Chemistry-Biotechnology Eleftheriadis Nikolaos n.eleftheriadis@uoc.gr
Chemical Technology Karapantsios Theodoros karapant@chem.auth.gr
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Tzeli Demeter tzeli@chem.uoa.gr
Environmental Chemistry & Technology Katsogiannis Ioannis katsogia@chem.auth.gr
Forensics-Toxicology Kovatsi Leda-Kalliopi kovatsi@auth.gr
Food Chemistry and Technology Paraskevopoulou Adamantini adparask@chem.auth.gr
Green Chemistry Triantafyllidis Konstantinos ktrianta@chem.auth.gr
Inorganic Chemistry Hadjikakou Sotiris shadjika@uoi.gr
Macromolecular Chemistry Bikiaris Dimitrios dbic@chem.auth.gr
Materials Chemistry Kyzas George kyzas@chem.ihu.gr
Medicinal Chemistry Rassias Gerasimos rassiasg@upatras.gr
Natural Products Chemistry Tarantilis Petros ptara@aua.gr
Organic Chemistry Neochoritis Konstantinos kneochor@uoc.gr
Physical Chemistry Tsiplakidis Dimitris dtsiplak@chem.auth.gr
Radiochemistry Noli Fotini noli@chem.auth.gr
Chemical Education Giannakoudakis Panagiotis panjian@chem.auth.gr